Monday, June 18, 2012

Leaving New Hampshire, Again

Boy drama continues, and it is again time to resume my travels. Some people just aren't meant to couple and I guess I am one of them, and I guess I already knew that before I drove 2000 miles across the country to prove it. I do love New Hampshire in the Summer but I'm excited to get back on the road and see what else is out there.

I left before sunrise on Sunday with the hopes of reaching South Bend, Indiana so I didn't have to stay an entire week in Ohio. With the exception of one glorious business trip to Cleveland, rife with untamed debauchery, my experiences with the state have been grim and I didn't want to drive through it much less stay there.

But South Bend is a 15-16 hour drive and I just don't have that much stamina. So instead I am near Sandusky in an RV Park with no shower. I stink. The bathroom is so disgusting I drove into town this morning to brush my teeth at McDonalds. After waiting for an employee to leave the bathroom so as not to alarm her by making myself at home, I couldn't get the water to turn on more than once. It was motion activated and apparently there's a delay, a really long one. So, I stuck my already toothpasted-toothbrush back into my purse and walked next door to Burger King where I had a private, extremely clean bathroom with faucets that turn. Tomorrow I'm going back for a sponge bath.

Here's the thing: I'm not miserable. Despite my stench, location and the steady stream of brutal text messages from my ex, I am strangely optimistic, motivated, even inspired. I don't even hate Ohio anymore. My site is shaded with pretty trees.  The sun shines, then it downpours, then it's sunny again. The humidity is unbearable, but I have a huge fan that takes up 20% of my floor space. Kind of like home. But no hurricanes. Yet.

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