Friday, June 29, 2012

Dillon Pinnacles

Distance: 4 miles
Time: 1:15
Elevation Gain: 447ft

The Dillon Pinnacles are are located along Blue Mesa Reservoir about 20 miles West of Gunnison. They were created by eroded West Elk Breccia, a composite rock spewed from the volcanic West Elk Mountains 30 million years ago.

An easy hike through sage brush and evergreen, you can get up close to the rock formations without much effort, while enjoying a constant view of the Blue Mesa Reservoir to the South.

The hike is completely open - no shade - which was great on a such a beautiful afternoon. Until the storm clouds started rolling in ... No storms were predicted for today but we've had them every afternoon this week so I was getting a little worried since I was still about a mile from the trailhead when the sky became dark. But by the time I got home the clouds cleared and only a few raindrops fell.

Fields of sage brush - smells so good!
Sage brush seems to be everywhere around here and it smells so good! It smells a bit woodier than the kind you stuff your turkey with, which is good because I have no kitchen to satisfy such cravings with.

Up close!
About halfway down the trail is a spur trail that I turned down on the way back, despite the looming storm clouds, but then thought better of it. After all there were signs indicating large wildlife, which I am never anxious to see outside of a zoo.

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