
I intended to stay in each location for a month. For most places I figured that was enough time to see the area and was long enough to qualify for monthly discounts at hotels or short-term rentals. In Asheville and in many other cities you can find short-term accommodations on Craig's List, mostly home-spun vacation rentals or a room in someone's house. 

Many of these are expensive though and finding a place that accepts pets without charging an additional pet fee can be difficult. I was lucky to find a woman in Black Mountain who was renting out the back portion of her house cheaply, and who also loved pets of all kinds. As soon as I arrived though I had to start looking for someplace else to stay and I quickly realized that I would be spending a lot my time doing this.

When I originally conceived the idea of traveling I considered purchasing some sort of camper but my budget and my truck were small and I couldn't find something that suited both. About the only thing I could afford was a pop-up camper but I couldn't imagine having to pee and shower at a campground, and living inside canvas walls didn't seem very safe.

However, I also didn't want to spend all my free time searching for the next crash pad so once in Black Mountain I started looking for a camper. I was lucky to find an Aliner on Craig's List, one of the few pop-ups with hard walls. It's also extremely quick and easy to set up, which was another element of the canvas pop-up I was dreading.

Some pop-ups do have indoor showers and a porty-potty but this one does not. You can easily buy a porta-potty, but the shower will have to be fashioned in conjunction with a portable hot water heater. This I have yet to do.

More to come...