Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Carter Dome, Mt. Hight and South Carter

Miles: 11.8   Time: 7.5 hours   Elev. Gain: 4100 ft (?)
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A trio of 4000+ footers and this hike was still anticlimactic after last week's hike up Mt. Washington. It began on the Nineteen Mile Brook trail, aptly named because the first 3.8 miles on it felt like 19. Very gradual climbing, and very dull. Although during the first mile I still managed to wipe out on a slippery rock in front of a family of four. It didn't hurt much at the time but would later be difficult to sleep on.

Junction of Nineteen Mile Brook and Carter-Moriah Trails
Finally I arrived at the Carter-Moriah Trail, which climbs over the first two peaks. And it did climb. The first quarter mile or so was straight up scrambling on all fours, and then it continued climbing at a slightly lesser grade that permitted erect walking.

Looking down from the first outlook after much scrambling (rest!)
View from Carter Dome (4832 ft)
The name 'Carter Dome' provoked visions of a massive rock with elaborate views, yet in reality the rock and its narrow views were relatively unimpressive. Back on down the trail for a while to Mt. Hight. Unlike Carter Dome, which has some tree cover, Mt. Hight rises just above the tree line and is a completely rocky summit.

A fairly clear view from Mt. Hight
By the time I reached Carter Dome the wind had picked up significantly but now on Mt. Hight, with no barriers, it was blowing me with it at 25-30 mph speeds, similar to the winds on the Franconia Ridge hike. This was not a ridge though so the wind could knock me over and I would just fall on a pile rocks instead of off the mountain.

Ever feel like your head is in the clouds?

Below 4000 feet it was a beautiful day in New Hampshire, but above the clouds loomed creating a very cool visual effect. Photography was difficult though since I could barely stand up. The trail goes up and over Mt. Hight, and connects back with the previous trail but it was headed directly into the wind and I had a hard time moving forward so I just went back the way I came.

View from South Carter (4430ft)

From there the trail descends and the long trip back begins. At the junction of the Carter-Moriah and Carter Dome trails is a spur trail that leads to South Carter Mountain, which I took with some apprehension due to my waning excitement. Some nice climbing, but my heart wasn't in it.

Shall we return to the sunny foothills?
By the time I returned to the Nineteen Mile Brook trail, I was so utterly bored and I still had two miles left. The trail here is fairly clear so to break up the boredom I decided to start running in short bursts, walking through the rocky spots to avoid injury. I surely looked like a fool, but it was quite fun.

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