Sunday, April 10, 2011

Lake James State Park

Today was a perfect Florida day with mountain views, fresh water and zero humidity. Despite heavy fog and cool temperatures at dawn the forecast was for warmth and sun. I woke exhausted and looked forward to a relaxing day, preferably by water with a book.

After a quick trip to Walmart for camper supplies (this would be my last week in the house), the sun was already hot and I had stripped down to a tank top and shorts before leaving. Lake James State Park is about an hour East of Black Mountain, and within six miles the highway descends 1000 feet back into thick fog and the temperature dropped about 10-15 degrees. The clouds lingered all the way to Lake James and continued to hang on.

From camping area, before the sun came out

 The park has a medium-sized lake and a few miles of wooded trails surrounding it so even if I couldn't sit by the water I could take Katie on some trails. We took one of the trails to the campground and around one side of the lake and suddenly the sun peaked out. By the time we returned to the truck to retrieve a chair and book, the clouds had permanently disbanded and it felt warm enough to remove clothes again.

From the main beach area
Closed beach area

After about an hour of reading we took the trail on the other side of the lake. This trail was a little longer (about 2 miles) and more formal; the other trail simply provided access to the campgrounds. It's a loop trail through the woods with a clean path. If it wasn't so short it would make a perfect running trail.

It's Sunday; tomorrow begins another long, dull week and I wanted to keep walking and walking and walking. I wondered what it would be like to discard all personal possessions save what I could fit on my back, and just walk (sometimes run, of course).  Students and retirees do this for six months when they hike the Appalachian Trail. Some who can't or prefer not to function in society retreat to the woods and survive on berries and snakes or something.  There must be a middle ground.

As the trail loops around we are quickly dumped back at the lake, which is fortunate because if the trail continued much longer I would have to carry Katie on my back. I have no idea what time it is because I left my phone back at the house, but the parking lot is fuller now. A family is picnicking under a pavilion and the three kayakers who arrived when I did were packing up their cars.

Main building (with OPEN restrooms!)

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